There are seven Diamond Way Buddhism centers in Israel. These centers are a part of a network of more than 650 meditation centers belonging to the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. All of them were founded by lama Ole Nydahl under the spiritual guidance of HH 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje. The centers function as non-profit organizations and operate based on friendship and idealism whereas the authentic teachings and the methods of the Buddha are transmitted there in an apprehensible and modern way allowing western people to incorporate them in their daily lives.

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  • Lecture program with Eugene Trak

Lecture program with Eugene Trak

  • February 22nd, 2025
We are happy to invite you for the lecture program with Eugene Trak (USA), Lama Ole Nydahl’s student. The lectures will take place between the 25.02 - 08.03.2025.
  • Israel Retreat Center Project

Israel Retreat Center Project

  • September 9th, 2020
We are happy to present you a new Israel Retreat Center project website!
Here you can get inspiring information about the project and the ways to support it.
  • Launching the book: ‘Buddha & Love’

Launching the book: ‘Buddha & Love’

  • October 29th, 2015
"Buddha & Love", by Lama Ole Nydahl, a western Buddhist Lama, explains how a Buddhist approach to relationships can help us to relax our minds, break bad habits, and use relationships to grow ourselves and benefit everyone around us.
